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Courtney's Top 5 for a basic home Apothecary


Updated: Mar 9, 2021

lemon essential oils


  • Supports the Lungs, Liver and Spleen in Chinese Medicine. Use one drop daily in water to support cleansing of body systems, add to diffuser to lift mood, or add to respiratory, mood, immune and digestive blends

  • Antibacterial and astringent properties make is useful for common colds and digestive issues, as well as a multipurpose household cleaner.


  • Cools Liver and Heart fire, calms Shen (Mind), moves Liver Qi in the body in Chinese Medicine; relieves emotional and physical tension, pain, PMS. Add a few drops to your bath or on acupressure points to calm the mind.

  • Anything skin related (use topically for rashes, eczema, burns, sunburn, bites or acne).

  • Great for kids, insomnia, allergies (diffuse with Lemon and Peppermint).


  • “The Oil of a Buoyant Heart” – the oil of insight/vision, lifts spirit, promotes focus and energizes the senses when inhaled.

  • Supports healthy digestion and oral health.

  • Respiratory support, sinus congestion, allergies, and acts as a mild expectorant.

  • Cooling energy (apply to back of neck for hot flashes or along spine or on feet for fever. “Moves Qi” especially when manifesting as irritability and promotes circulation and can ease headaches and neck pain.

*Avoid in breastfeeding (excessive amounts can reduce milk supply)

*Dilute in carrier oil for skin sensitivity


  • Healer of “emotional wounds”: associated with the Heart, Kidney and Lungs in Chinese medicine, hence its ability to work on feelings of sadness and grief (lung), nervousness, anxiety and fear (heart and kidney)

  • Nervous system tonic, calms mind (Shen), smooths the flow of energy in the body – great to use as a spiritual aid in meditation or yoga

  • Great for healing scars, diminishing wrinkles and stretch marks, dry/mature skin (blend with flowers and other tree oils).


  • Powerful oil of protection – high in antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and disinfectant qualities. For sore throat (gargle with one drop), common colds, cough.

  • Use for anything skin related – acne, athletes foot, skin infections, both fungal and bacterial infections.

  • Cleanses the air and protects against seasonal and environmental threats as well as toxic energy and “overthinking.”

If you are interested in any of the oils listed here (or on the doTERRA website), feel free to let me know at If you’re interested in learning more with a thorough consultation around essential oils, feel free to book with me online. I LOVE the benefits of oils and equally love sharing what I know with others. 



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